Monday 29 March 2010

a lovely london biscut blog

the sewing basket and knitting forks

So my sister started a blog, and she is a bit of a writer and does make you feel like you're in London. Just thought I'd share ( We've been very busy recently, trying to find a house up here in the north, also a new job for me has taken a bit of getting used to for everyone. I've gotten into the swing of things and I do think it'll be a wonderful position, and I finally feel confident calling myself a Waldorf Kindergarten teacher. We went to a conference in Edinbough a few weeks ago which was inspiring. But I'd really rather keep to crafty/artsy things here in this space... I do have a little show going up over Easter and I've been painting a bit, patterns mostly inpire me now. I'll put something up when I get a foto. And the boys are endlessly creative, we've been making all sorts of things, wooly lambs, Damiano made a lovely boy puppet (though I did most of the sewing!), and felted flower fairies and gnomes (sewing is very crooked, but it does hold together!). But again, I don't have pictures. They've been doing lots of puppet shows for us, mostly stories illustrated with characters and cloth that just go on and on and on... But they are lovely and so sweet.

Time to rest and dream. best to all.

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